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Maple and spice roasted nuts

Mon, 28 September, 2020

Calling all munchers: here’s a large bowl of maple flavoured, spiced roasted nuts, pistachios and almonds. Ready in half an hour, gone over two episodes of your favourite show.

maple syrup and spice roasted nut mix

Eat your meals at the table!

I don’t eat my meals in front of the telly. I never have sofa dinners and there’s no screen anywhere near my dinner table. I eat my food generally en famille, even though the famille is just the two of us. We always sit down to the table, except for breakfast when we sit down to the breakfast bar.

homemade roasted nuts

No TV dinners

I am so not used to having a tray on the sofa, I suffered terribly when half our house, kitchen and dining included, was out of action due to a building project. I tried various positions, including scissoring up over the coffee table which gave me indigestion, and I ended up with the ingenious use of an ironing board as a temporary table.

So as you see I’m the last person to chomp with my mouth open and with my eyes glued to the screen, with an odd tagliatelle strand resting on my cleavage. I don’t screen-eat my meals.

But I munch when watching.

peanuts, pistachio and almonds roasted with maple syrup

... just TV nibbles

It isn’t the same thing before you yell in protest: the whole above section is about meals eaten with an accompaniment of the movie or show. Quite the different situation when washing up is done, you both sit down to continue season 3 episode 7, and you look for nibbles.

It truly is an awful addiction: I promise I’m capable of going through a half-pound bag of almonds, several handfuls of dried cranberries and a bowl of banana chips on one evening. And that’s before I remember there’s cheese in the house.

mixed nuts

Nuts, almonds, raisins

I know what you’re thinking: it’s not exactly like I’m going through packets of crisps and bags of Maltesers; my nibbles are HEALTHY! Yes, okay: I don’t like crisps and Maltesers are too sickly in quantities.

And yes, a small handful of almonds is healthy but a 300g bag is a bit too much of a good thing. Ditto cranberries, raisins or dried mango. A few good box sets, and I’m suddenly ballooning by half a stone.

homemade healthy nut nibbles

Can't help munching

I have tried getting so engaged in the programme that I’d forget the munchies but even during Game of Thrones I was reaching for salty cashews. I have tried sugar free gobstoppers, but I don’t believe all those weird sweeteners are completely harmless.

The most effective are teeth whitening strips but – vain as I am – can’t do them two hours every night.

maple roasted nuts

To those who can

So I dedicate this recipe to those noble folks who know discipline and restraint. The nut selection in the recipe is my favourite – obviously – but any other nuts or seeds can be swapped or added. Maple syrup gives better result than honey in my view but again, feel free to change. The amount makes one large bowl.
It lasts me about two and a half average episode.

Maple and spice roasted nuts

Servings: makes a large bowl of nutsTime: 35 minutes


  • 200g (1½ cup) blanched or raw peanuts
  • 50g (1/3 cup) raw shelled pistachios
  • 100g (¾ cup) blanched almonds
  • a little oil for greasing the baking tray
  • 30g (2 tbsp.) butter
  • 100g (1/3 cup) maple syrup
  • 1 tsp Baharat spice (or ¾ tsp cinnamon, a pinch of cayenne and a pinch of ground coriander)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp sea salt plus more for sprinkling


1. Place the nuts in a bowl. Preheat the oven to 160C fan if available/325F/gas 3. Line a large (40 x 26cm/16 x 10 inch) baking tray with parchment and grease the parchment lightly with oil.

maple syrup mix for nuts

2. Melt the butter with the maple syrup, spices and 1 tsp salt in a small saucepan. Pour it over the nut mix and stir well to distribute. Pour the nuts onto the baking tray and spread in an even, single layer.

3. Bake for 20-25 minutes, removing from the oven every 5 minutes to stir: scrape the nuts from the edges with a rubber spatula onto a pile in the middle, stir and spread again.

roasting sweet and spicy nuts

4. When the nuts are toasted golden and the maple mixture has almost completely been absorbed, remove from the oven and cool on the tray, stirring once or twice again to break up clusters. Sprinkle with more salt to add texture.

5. When cold, transfer the mix to an airtight container.

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Hello! I'm Anna Gaze, the Cuisine Fiend. Welcome to my recipe collection.

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