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Steak with easy blue cheese sauce

Mon, 3 November, 2014


steak with blue cheese

Apparently people’s shopping habits have changed dramatically and supermarkets are becoming obsolete – so claims the boss of Waitrose. The guy quotes research results proving that we no longer want to do a weekly shop and that most of us don’t know by 4 pm what we’ll be eating for dinner that night.

I am horrified. Two depressing conclusions here.

First, if this is true, that could be the reason why we chuck out 80% or a similarly staggering amount of food because we overshop. Not through weekly shops. Why – you don’t know what you’ll eat tonight so you pop into the store, hungry like anything so you plonk into your basket whatever comes the way of your fancy: ‘Ooooh I’ll have the fish tonight. And pasta. And I’ll manage a few spuds too, yes please. And rice – oh, I’ve got pasta already – no matter, I could eat a horse. Where’s the horse aisle?’

Second – that means relying on ready-made or pre-prepared meals in a bag. Because if you still don’t know what to eat by that time you’re not going to be bothered to actually cook from scratch, are you?

There’s me hoping you still will, given a right idea.I thought I'd suggest simplicity itself: steak dinner which of course is one of the best dinners. If you’re really shopping for food on the night you eat it then a challenge of bringing the meat to room temperature. Solution: if it’s summer, take a scenic route home, so the steak travels about a bit. If it’s winter, put it on a radiator for a bit. I'm not entirely pulling your leg here.

sliced rib eye steak

Veg are a doddle – grab whatever green stuff you fancy, stemmy, beany things, not spinach. Plus blue cheese. Nothing else. Don’t go looking for the horse aisle. And if you really, really need a carb filler, grab some crusty bread.

Steak with easy blue cheese sauce

Servings: 2Time: 20 minutes


  • 2 x 8 oz. rib-eye steaks
  • 500g mixed green beans, sugar snap peas and mangetout
  • 2 tsp butter
  • salt and pepper
  • a little oil for frying
  • 100g blue cheese: Danish blue, Roquefort or Gorgonzola


1. Prepare the steaks by placing them on a board and tying up with butcher’s string – this will help keep them whole while frying as rib-eye has the ‘collar’ that tends to come apart in the pan. The steak must be brought to room temperature – best to leave it out of the fridge for at least an hour.

2. Wash the vegetables and place in a pan without shaking off the water which will help them cook with no extra liquid. Add the butter and some salt, cover the pan and put over medium heat.

Steak and green veg

3. Preheat a large skillet for the steaks until almost smoking. For a medium rare steak, set the timer for 4-5 minutes depending on its thickness. Add up to another minute if you want it more done.

4. Season the steaks with salt and pepper, drizzle a little oil over them and place in the skillet on maximum heat. Start the timer and flip the steaks every 30 seconds. When finished, place on a heated up plate in a warm spot.

5. While the steaks are resting, finish off the vegetables which should be tender by now. Add the blue cheese to the pan, turn up the heat and toss the vegetables well in the cheese until it melts. Take the pan off the heat.

6. Take the string off the steaks and slice them thickly.

7. To serve, pile the vegetables on the plates, place the sliced steak on top of them and spoon the cheese sauce onto it all.

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