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Pasta fritta

Updated: Mon, 4 January, 2021

Pasta fritta is the proof that sometimes leftovers are better than the original dish. Next time you cook pasta, boil more than you need.

fried pasta with asparagus and peas

This recipe shouldn't really require a list of ingredients as the truly essential are two: cold pasta and fat of some description. Anything can be added to enhance and flavour it, usually depending on what the contents of your fridge hide. Or, after a minimalist fashion, just salt and pepper will do.

Always cook too much pasta?

Refried pasta or pasta fritta is the most joyous side effect of not knowing how much pasta to cook. You pour your farfalle or macaroni out of the pack and it kind of disappears in the pan full of water. That can’t be right! It won’t feed a kitten!

So you shake in a bit more, a bit more… ooops, the whole packet’s gone in. Drained, it looks fit to sink a fleet and you have sauce enough to dress about a third of it.

pasta fritta

Save the surplus

Not to worry – I never do. Sometimes my hand shakes surreptitiously on purpose because the surplus will make possibly an even better dish on the next day or a couple of days later. Don’t rinse that drained pasta or drizzle with oil or, contrary to expectations, it will stick to a lump.

But even if that should happen it’s all right, because pasta fritta is basically a pasta omelette. A little oil, butter or both, hot skillet e voilà! Pressed and compacted into the hot fat, it needs to crisp up underneath before the precarious flipping exercise.

How to flip pasta fritta omelette

It's one of those exercises that look dead easy on YouTube. Once your pasta fritta has fritta-ed underneath, it needs to be turned over to cook on the other side. You can cleverly avoid it by sticking the skillet under the grill, but then it will become pasta grigliata instead of fritta.

The purists' approach is thus: cover the skillet with a large plate, turn it over so the pasta lands cooked side up, then slip it back into the pan.

I do do that when fritting my pasta but invariably find my arms could do with a 360 degree turning joint. The good thing is, you can easily push and press the pasta back together in the pan even if it slightly fell apart on its pan-plate-pan journey.

pasta fritta with asparagus garlic and mint

Pasta fritta variations

If you add beaten eggs to the cold pasta it will help bind it but will also turn into pasta frittata. If cooking from scratch, you can add pea sized vegetables to the pasta boiling pan and cook with pasta.

You can also stuff it with prosciutto and cheese: in the skillet, layer half the pasta, arrange cheese and ham slices then top with the rest of the pasta. Press it all very well, compact it into a pancake and take very good care when flipping - this variety is even more flipping averse.

Pasta fritta

Servings: 2Time: 20 minutes


  • 200g (6oz.) cooked, drained pasta
  • 6 asparagus spears
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 tbsp. butter
  • a few sprigs of mint, leaves stripped
  • 1 clove of green garlic, peeled
  • 2 tbsp. grated Parmesan plus more to serve


1. This works the easiest with leftover pasta, any smallish shapes. If you want to make it from scratch, cook pasta according to the instruction on the packet, drain and place in a bowl.


2. Break off the woody ends of asparagus, wash them and chop into ½ cm small pieces. Stir them into the pasta and season it generously with salt and pepper.
Chop the mint leaves very finely with the garlic clove.

3. Heat the oil with 1 tbsp. of butter in a non-stick pan over medium heat. When it’s sizzling, add the pasta to the pan and compact it by pressing down with a spoon. Dot the remaining tablespoon of butter over the pasta.

how to cook pasta fritta

4. Cook for about 5 minutes, until it’s starting to look golden and crusty around the edges. Cover the pan with a flat lid or upturned plate and flip the pasta onto it.

5. Slide it back into the pan to cook on the other side, for another 5 minutes.

flipping fried pasta

6. While it’s cooking, sprinkle some garlic and mint over the top and scatter the Parmesan.

7. Turn it out onto a serving plate like an omelette and sprinkle the other side with garlic, mint and Parmesan.

Originally published: Mon, 2 July, 2018

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