Here muffins go again, this time triple chocolate, with melted chocolate in the mix and two kinds of choc chips added.
What can I say? I really, really don’t like chocolate that much and consider any confection to be better off without than with. But I’m clearly in the minority: humankind prefers chocolate.
I had a good proof of that recently with builders doing a major job in my house. I’d make them tea as you do (shame on you if you don’t) and serve a few biscuits to go with the tea, as you also do (perhaps only in the UK? I wonder if French builders get une demi-tasse with a bit of croissant to dunk in. And Einspänner for the Austrians?).
I digress, as usual - biscuits were of mixed provenance, some supermarket, some homemade. All really nice (you need to look after your builders) but invariably polished off to the last crumb if chocolate. My excellent chewy cookies with cranberries were sometimes returned! The horror, the horror…
So there we have it - chocolate wins every time. These little things will surely be firm favourites with whoever you make them for, builders or not. Incredibly easy to make it must be said - you needn’t even take care not to overmix like usually with muffins. This mix is lower on flour and the gooeyness of the chocolate makes the batter more forgiving. They will be a blast.
And I’ll reach for one of the blueberry ones.