It was some time before last Easter and I was all excited about making this little number*, the toffee was set and chopped, bananas diced, when I realised I was seriously short on white chocolate. About 50g short. Disaster. Eight in the evening on a Friday night, bucketing down outside and I REALLY couldn’t be bothered to venture out.
I considered adding some milk chocolate for a moment – wrong, that wouldn’t be a blondie any longer, though I am no chocolate racist. I was about to throw in the towel and just eat my brazil nut toffee on its own, all of it, all at once, when the Weather Man said:
- ‘Let’s put Harry into blondie.’
- ???
As it turned out he wasn’t having a musical throwback to his early youth (childhood, let’s be honest). He was making sense and didn’t mean Debbie Harry, Blondie or even Heart of Glass.
He meant Harry Hopalot. The Easter bunny. Made of white chocolate. Sitting on a dining room sideboard, waiting to be gifted out at Easter.
Cut it short – Harry gave an arm and a leg to be in the Blondie. I mean – wouldn’t anyone?
*Banana blondie recipe from Dan Lepard’s Short and Sweet recipe book