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The weather has finally taken the turn for the worse

Sun, 9 October, 2016

The weather has finally taken the turn for the worse (and so has British pound, so time to go frugal) and heartier, more involved dishes beckon. Do you ferment? Everyone does these days and I couldn't be happier. Having been raised on sauerkraut and always considering it more a punishment than food, I can't help laughing - but in a nice way - at the fermenting/probiotic/gut health brigade. You ferment cabbage to last you through the bleak midwinter, and because it's cheap and available in plenty. Gut health and good bacteria have only recently piggybacked on the poor cabbage.

Kimchi if you like spicy is a good alternative, just get hold of unsalted gochugaru. And if you really can't be bothered but would like a token gesture towards fermenting - make this cabbage salad.

Hearty dishes - and what's heartier than a roast duck? Try this recipe out and you never know, it might become a dress rehearsal for Christmas.

Frugal and fish don't often go together but mackerel defies that assumption: possibly the best of oily fish and really easy to cook - just sear fillets in the pan with a sweet and sour flavour, or go for a party stunner of seaside stuffed mackerel.

Comfort, frugal and taste central - that's lasagne for me, and even though I'll normally choose meat over veggie, spinach and ricotta lasagne beats ragù by a mile.

Make bread at the weekend - this cheat's sourdough is a small step away in taste and a giant leap in effort from the real thing. And finally, cake baking: soft berries finished, time to turn our heads to exotic ingredients. Passion fruit cake with coconut crumble is one of those cakes that always make me wonder why I don't make it every week!

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Hello! I'm Anna Gaze, the Cuisine Fiend. Welcome to my recipe collection.

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